Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF)

As the name suggests a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) is a legal structure that enables you to manage your superannuation and retirement savings. In effect you will be running your own private superannuation account. Approximately one third of superannuation retirement savings balances are held in SMSFs making the sector a significant part of Australia’s superannuation landscape.

SMSF structures allows more flexibility and choice for the superannuation fund members but also come with responsibilities. Strict guidelines exist to maintain the compliance of the SMSF.

At JSN Associates we support you with our specialised self-managed superannuation fund services.

We offer:

  1. Accounting
  2. Administration
  3. Compliance
  4. Trustee Support

We also have access to qualified professionals that complete the SMSF compliance picture with affiliated services offering:

  1. Financial Advisory Services
  2. Property Services
  3. Lending and Finance
  4. Legal Services

Let our friendly, professional team assist you with your SMSF requirements.